BLC Facility Keycard Request

Please fill out this form and click submit.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church’s keyless entry system card is issued to individual users.

You are responsible for access to the building granted by your key card.  For that reason, please do not loan out your keycard.

If  you lose your keycard, notify the Church Office immediately so the card can be deactivated.

The keycard opens either the Parking Lot entrance, the Perrin Street entrance, or the School District Lot entrance during designated hours, as determined by Council policy and your usage needs.

Please select one option.

By completion of this form, I accept responsibility for the keycard described above and agree to the following:

1.  I will report any loss of this key to the church office immediately.

2. If my access needs change significantly, I will notify the church office.

3.  I will not loan my key to other people or put identifying information on the card.

4.  I will return they key upon request of the Church Council and/or Pastor.

5.  A fee of up to $10 may be charged for lost or damaged card.


Please fill out this form and click submit.